Barriers and Facilitators to Becoming a Medical Physicist in Bangladesh
Fatima Kanis Nayan, Taskin Dilshad, Jennifer EgbunikeInternational Journal of Business & Management Studies (IJBMS) is an international open
access journal under Institute for Promoting Research & Policy Development (IPRPD). It follows the double blinded peer review process to provide the
best possible outcomes regarding the benchmark of the journal. Genres those are applicable to business or Management related
public policy issues are welcomed widely in this Journal. It focuses
on high quality contributions investigating topics in the fields of
Business & Communication Sciences, Economics, Management, Finance &
Banking, Marketing, Human Resource Management, International Relations and many
more, from theoretical, empirical and critical perspectives.
The IJBMS community
is largely made up of Collins specializing in business, economics and other
related areas such as industrial organization and managerial economics,
including both public policy and managerial perspectives. Contributions are
also drawn from those in allied areas such as finance, strategy, international
business, business communications & economic history. All the published papers are submitted to the major indexing
services for indexing. The journal is published in both print and online versions.
It focuses to publish empirical (testing theories, extending theories or building theories), academic, theoretical and review research articles that add to the practice in business, economics and management. It provides a platform in which different standards for all the three research fields can be offered and discussed. The objective of this journal is to bring together study fellows and experts from industry to teach the latest topics of importance and build long lasting group effort. It aims to maintain the highest standards of peer review with some internationally-recognized editors. The journal welcomes submission from scholars and experts for possible publication from all over the world. It also publishes research articles (including industry studies) & guest-edited special issues and extended review articles because publishing exceptional Papers based on exceptional contents is the foremost effort of IJBMS. It has started working closely with the international library community to make our journals collections a genuine option for all the institutions. To visit our organization site, please visit: IPRPD
Barriers and Facilitators to Becoming a Medical Physicist in Bangladesh
Fatima Kanis Nayan, Taskin Dilshad, Jennifer EgbunikePratiques De Formation Et Performance Économique Dans Les PME : Effet Modérateur De La Perception De La Formation Par Les Dirigeants
Dr Makolo KPOGHOMOU, Dr Mamady Yaya CISSÉThe Cultural Differences Between China and The West in International Business Activities
Xiaowan Zou, Shili SunSubprime Crisis Shockwaves: Impacts On Capital Structure In Non-Financial Corporations
Moustapha BADRAN, François BENHMAD, Mohamed AWADAManaging Employee Retention as A Strategic HRM Activity: Organizational Justice Effects Moderated by Tenure
Alper Ertürk, Razan AlkhayyatHuman Resource Information System (Hris): Navigating The Implementation, Challenges, And Benefits
Samuel Bangura