International Journal of

Business & Management Studies

ISSN 2694-1430 (Print), ISSN 2694-1449 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijbms
Human Resource Management Challenges and Research Proposition in ISO 9001:2015 Certified Firms in Kenya Post Covid-19 Disease Outbreak



This study sought to establish the effect of COVID-19 containment strategies on human resource management practices in ISO 9001:2015 certified firms in Kenya. The study adopted descriptive research design in obtaining data from 139 senior management staff. Key findings after analyzing 110 responses are that in 93.6% of the firms, the pandemic had affected Human Resource systems, practices and procedures (mean response 3.9).  In 70.2% of the firms, the respondents indicated that current human resource policies do not adequately support remote working by employees (Mean response 2.4), while in 70.9% of the firms, offsite working had negatively affected employees’ productivity (mean response 3.1). In 72.4% of the firms, the management had provided adequate COVID-19 training to all staff (mean response 3.3), while in 64.5% of the firms, working from home had not enhanced safety and mental wellbeing of employees during lockdowns (mean response 3.3). The findings suggest that ISO 9001:2015 certified firms in Kenya are facing people management challenges during the pandemic, hence non-optimization of the human resource factor. The study concluded that there are outstanding knowledge gaps, though it is evident that the pandemic has affected working practices in ISO 9001:2015 certified firms in Kenya, with implications on economic recovery post COVID-19. The study recommends review of human resource policies except those mandated by law. The policy review should promote safety at workplaces, catering for medical costs, training on executive leadership and skills development to support remote working and psychological wellbeing of employees. Future research opportunities include establishing how work context in remote locations influence employee behavior and actions. The expected study output upon successful implementation of the given recommendations is enhanced performance of ISO 9001:2015 certified firms in Kenya.