International Journal of

Business & Management Studies

ISSN 2694-1430 (Print), ISSN 2694-1449 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijbms
Looking For Happiness In All The Wrong Places: Thomas Aquinas On Man’s Last End And The Ethics Of Economic Enterprises


Thomas Aquinas’ treatise on man’s last end, presented in questions one to five of the prima secunda of his treasured deposit of wisdom, the Summa Theologiae, is mined for its insights into the proper conduct of enterprise. His text discloses that perfect happiness, the complete activation or fulfillment of our being, can consist in nothing else than the vision of the Divine Essence and that it is sheer folly to look for happiness in any external goods (wealth, honor, fame, power), or any goods of the body (health, pleasure), or any goods of the soul. The significant ethical implications that arise for the institution of business from losing sight of the true ultimate end are taken up before laying out what a political economic order formed according to a true conception of happiness would look like.