Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction are two
very important concepts in business life. These two variables have been shown
to be linked to the productivity of each employee individually but also to the
results of businesses internationally. The purpose of this paper is to analyze
the factors that influence emotional intelligence in the workplace and the
professional satisfaction of employees, as well as their correlation with other
important parameters, such as the special characteristics of each employee. The
survey was carried out with the help of a structured questionnaire that was
distributed electronically to a random sample and for a period of one month.
The results of the research showed that there is a strong positive correlation
between the two factors, emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. It also
showed that there is a correlation, even if low, between each of these two
factors with various variables, such as education and educational level, age
and level of hierarchy within the company, but also the obligations they have
in the personal their life.