International Journal of

Business & Management Studies

ISSN 2694-1430 (Print), ISSN 2694-1449 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijbms
Regulating Transgenic Soybean Production in Argentina: The Role of Agro-Associations


Argentina's economy is organized mainly around the export of transgenic soybeans. This production is associated with several environmental and social costs. This article investigates transgenic soybean production regulation possibilities, which fulfills efficiency, acceptability, and feasibility by directly controlling production levels. Production quota markets are promising because they make it possible to implement cost-effective production. However, Argentina's agricultural sector is organized into large agro-associations with significant political power. The exercise of market power could challenge the attractive properties of production quota markets. This article considers the possibility of these organizations manipulating the quota market to capture a larger share of production. The production quota market could give rise to "raising rivals' costs" behavior. Contrary to the existing literature, this article shows that this strategy is profitable, even though the price of transgenic soybeans is fixed on international markets. To restore efficiency in production levels while preserving policy acceptability, we propose to auction production quotas with an adequate rebate revenue. Alternatively, initial quota allocation can be hybrid. The initial allocation chosen will depend on the trade-off between efficiency and acceptability of the environmental policy. Thus, while proposing a specific and adapted regulation for transgenic soybeans in Argentina, this article contributes to the knowledge of tradeable production quotas, which are almost less analyzed in the economic literature.