International Journal of

Business & Management Studies

ISSN 2694-1430 (Print), ISSN 2694-1449 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijbms
Semi-Automated Requirement Elicitation in Data Driven Marketing for Product Innovation by Using Machine Learning


The creation of an innovation needs new input, new ideas which are not easy to be acquired. Meanwhile in the era of internet people express their mind, their feeling and their judgement about anything in the digital world. Among others the crowd (those people) gives also comments about a physical object (hardware) or digital object (software). Some of the comments may give a direction for a new innovation. The usage and extraction of these information (comments) for the elicitation of product requirement for a new innovation is an object of research works and there are already methods developed by scholars. After studying the state of the art we come up with an idea to enhance the performance of the existing methods. We develop a process chain based on machine learning for an automated requirement elicitation based on crowd input optimized by a specific domain knowledge, applied for e-commerce. We focus on the aspects related to digital disruption as well as agile management in innovation. The crowd input gained from a digital big data available in twitter from the past 5 years until now. We analyze the digital consumer behavior by extracting this data. By using an optimized specific domain knowledge, we extract product requirement for a new innovation in the domain of e-commerce. We compare our method with the available state of the art methods and show better performance of our approach.