International Journal of

Business & Management Studies

ISSN 2694-1430 (Print), ISSN 2694-1449 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijbms


The paper aimed at highlighting the concept of flexibility in the workplace, by investigating the effectiveness of two types of flexible work arrangements (FWAs) on the productivity of employees in a small business.  The study found that flexible work arrangements had a positive impact on the productivity of workers since 65.68% of the employees rated this item positively. The main challenge for managers employees was to develop the means by which to reduce employee turnover. The reality of the change in factors that had become important in the workplace had to be faced. In the past aspects such as a safe working space, development and training, clear lines of communication, financial incentives and appraisal were deemed important. The research -   A qualitative approach was used with the aim of understanding and evaluating working arrangements and the effect of these arrangements on the productivity of managers and employees. The research sample comprised thirteen top and middle (human resource) managers from seven different accounting firms. The study recommended that small businesses should raise the awareness of the importance of FWAs programmes and their significant effect on the productivity of employees. The researchers recommended that these companies should support friendly organisational culture and adopt writing company policies and laws that laid down the applicability of various FWAs and directed the selection processes among various FWAs.