work analyses the variation in start-up creation across the Portuguese NUT3
regions, using data available from two different sources. In the period
2014-2017, the birth of startups is measured through notary acts of new company
creation and activity start is measured through the first submission of
payrolls to ministério do trabalho, solidariedade e segurança social (MTSSS).
This data is analyzed with other social and economic variables
trying to ascertain environmental factors that help explain the large
differences between the regions.
Particular attention is focused on measuring the so
called “entrepreneurial ecosystems” (Boutillier, Carré and Levratto, 2016; Alvedalen and
Boschma, 2017; Kuckertz, 2019).
Results show a
huge difference between startups “dreamed” and startups actually “starting”.
Data also shows a spike in dreamers in the Lisboa region, but low figures in
actual starters in the regions with the most visible ecosystems (Lisboa, Porto
and Braga). This can be a considered a seriously disappointing result of all
the investment put into Lisboa’s ecosystem.