International Journal of

Business & Management Studies

ISSN 2694-1430 (Print), ISSN 2694-1449 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijbms
Manuscript Preparation Guideline

Submissions can be done through mailing to us at

Guidelines: Manuscript Preparation & Submission

Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing, reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please E-mail your esteemed manuscript at to submit to the journal of your choice.

Every researcher & scholar should keep in mind the following aspects while sending the papers:

ü  the topic, title, and focus of the Research Paper;

ü  the names of all researchers contributing (maximum 5);

ü  the name of the coordinator (corresponding researcher);

ü  an outline of the theoretical background of the research topic;

ü  prior reading suggestions for attendants and details on accessibility (if needed)


Organizing the Manuscript

1. Cover Page: Place the title, author name(s), contact information with phone/fax number for the corresponding author, and a biographical sketch for each author on the cover page. There would be no page number in the cover page.

2. Abstract: Cover sheet should be followed by an abstract summarizing the main conclusions of the paper. Abstract should be followed by Key words. Please number this page as page 1.

3. Main body: Start the main body of the paper on page 2.

4. Tables and figures: We encourage using appropriate graphics to explain, illustrate, and summarize concepts and results without lengthy prose. Please keep the title and captions brief while placing the titles above tables and captions beneath figures. Do not embed numbers or captions in images; instead, place them outside the image, but on the same page. Tables & figures must be followed by references.

5. Notes: Use notes cautiously and keep them brief. Provide notes as a numbered list at the end of the text, not as footnotes on each page.

6. Graphs and Charts: Graphs and charts should fit the width of 1 or 2 columns. For labels use 9-point or 10-point Times New Roman type.

7. Work Citations: Citations of other works should be limited to those which are strictly necessary. Short quotations should be included in the text within inverted commas (“…”) while quotations of more than 30 words should be placed in a separate paragraph indented from the main body of the text. However, all quotations should be accompanied by precise references.

8. References: References should be written in APA format