International Journal of

Business & Management Studies

ISSN 2694-1430 (Print), ISSN 2694-1449 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijbms
Leading virtual teams: A collective guide of qualitative best practices for post-pandemic leadership of newly virtual teams



Various nations across the globe plunged into an international pandemic during the first quarter of 2020. Millions of employees across every industry were thrust into new working arrangements as businesses attempted to cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and shelter in place orders. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has systemically changed the workplace of most businesses. Many employees started to work from home for the first time in 2020, and as the new year unfolds that reality could be the new norm. Business leaders face the challenge of ensuring their workforce is effective, efficient, and happy through a consistent corporate culture and support. The research will focus on how organizational leaders can continue to manage remote workers by focusing on motivation, communication, and job satisfaction in the new era of Zoom. Using a collective approach, this article provides insights into ways to manage virtual teams and increase job satisfaction of virtual employees as a way for businesses to maintain the competitive advantage achieved through superior workforce. This article will attempt to integrate various themes in literature published since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic providing recommended best practices for managing newly virtual employees and teams.