This study was conducted with the purpose of
understanding recent millennial college graduates and how both President
Obama’s administration and President Trump’s administration could have a direct
effect upon the generation. When conducting the research, the purpose was to
find out which sectors of the administrations’ policies would have the biggest
effect on millennials both now and in the future. Former President Obama and
President Trump have extremely different views on how the nation's current economy,
its healthcare system and its position on foreign policy will facilitate the
economy in the future. The study associates the policies of each administration
and the implications of each – given the general beliefs and attitudes of
millennials. Many of President Obama's policies align with the moral code of
most millennials. President Trump's proposed plans may help bolster the
American economy as well as the job market for millennials, but his ideologies
do not align with that of most millennials. That disconnect between the results
and the means to attain them makes it hard for a majority of millennials to
support the current administration and its policies. That said, without
millennial support, is our current administration on a crash course to destroy
the support needed to run our great country effectively and efficiently? Our
paper will examine the facts and justify our findings.