Table of Contents
Research on Technological Catch-up Mechanism of Latecomer Firms: a Strategic Alliance Perspective
JIANG Binbin , HOU Yan
Keywords: Strategic alliance; Technological catch-up; Latecomer context Pages: 01 – 09
The design of technological service system of long-term care institutions: A perspective of activity theory
Wen-Hong Chiu, Hsin-Yao Huang, Hui-Ru Chi
Keywords: Long-term Care Institute; Activity Theory; Customer Value; Technological Service; System Design Pages: 10 – 18
Neo-Institutionalism and its Implications in the Constitution of the Legal Environment of Governance and Legitimacy in Justice Systems
Prof. MSc. Sérgio Czajkowski Jr.
Keywords: Legal Environment; Legitimacy; Institutionalism; Institutions; Organizations Pages: 19 – 28
Research Methodology Choice Dilemma: A Conceptual Note to Emerging Researchers
Nkululeko Fuyane
Keywords: Quantitative, Qualitative, Incompatibility thesis, Mixed methods, Research paradigm, Positivism, Interpretivism, Pragmatism Pages: 29 - 43